Feminism, Pedagogy and the Studio: Reflections Across Four Decades

Author | Griselda Pollock |
Publisher | Sternberg Press |
ISBN | 9781915609663 |
Idea Code | 250002 |
This book combines two lectures by feminist art historian Griselda Pollock, delivered in 1985 and 2022. In 1985, Pollock critiqued the gender politics of twentieth-century art education, highlighting its reinforcement of masculinist ideologies and the exclusion of women artists despite their significant contributions. She advocated for "feminist interventions in art's histories" to challenge the male-dominated art narrative and formalist art theory. In 2022, Pollock revisited the impact of the theoretical revolution of 1968 and examined the major geopolitical and ideological shifts post-1989, 2001, and especially 2007. She identifies the a troubling cultural tendency post-2010 (with thanks to Derrida) she names "insta-grammatology," critiquing social media's role in simplifying nuanced thinking and enforcing political surveillance of ideas.
120 p, no ills, 11 x 16 cm, pb, English |
Sternberg Press