
If you are a publisher and wish to submit your titles for distribution, please contact us in advance.
Due to the large volume of requests for distribution, we cannot always reply immediately but we will do our very best to answer you as soon as we can.
We welcome submissions in the fields we distribute, but are especially open to small publishers of original titles in these or other fields.
We review only finished copies and base our decision to accept a title not only on its commercial viability but also form, design and originality.
We accept submissions of new or forthcoming titles, along with previously published titles.
Please send finished copies to:
Idea Books
Attn: Request for distribution
Nieuwe Hemweg 14E
1013 BG Amsterdam
The Netherlands.
We request that you include information about each book (such as price), but also information about yourself as a publisher, as well as what kind of distribution agreement you are seeking and information on existing agreements (if applicable).
Publishers overseas: please make sure you send your samples with no commercial value. Please note we do not pick up parcels with unknown origin in which we have to pay custom charges for submissions.
All books sent for submission will not be returned, unless specifically agreed otherwise in advance.
Please allow 4 to 6 weeks to receive feedback on submissions.