Florent Dubois - Simple Gift
Author | |
Publisher | Tombolo Presses |
ISBN | 9791096155019 |
Idea Code |
'Simple Gift' is a publication taking the guise of a formal map, furthermore, of a layouts’ board game. The latter is inspired both by the 'Simple Gifts', or 19th century symbolic and dazzling drawings designed by the American Shakers community, but also by the sprechgesang or parlando operas. 'Simple Gift' has been devised as a scene displaying contents. A single and large format, 120 × 128 cm, allows an arrangement of all texts and images. This organisation of contents becomes the place of a visual layout composed with the works of French artist and ceramist Florent Dubois.
70 p, ills colour, 26 x 30 cm, pb, French/English |