- New
- Forthcoming
- Art
- Architecture & Landscape
- Photography
- Fashion & Textiles
- Graphic Design & Typography
- Furniture & Product Design
- Performing Arts
- Popular Culture
- Decorative Arts & Craft
- Gift
- Essays & Literature
- El Croquis
- a+t
- AV Monographs
- AV Proyectos
- Arquitectura Viva
- A Magazine
- Graphic
- Slanted
- Purple Fashion
- Self Service
- A+U Magazine
- A.Mag
- Archives
- See All This
- Volume
- GA Houses
- Flaneur
- GA Document
- Residential Masterpieces
- Faire
- Back Cover
- Back Office
- Archivio
- Tools Magazine
- Science of the Secondary
- New Era Magazine
- DOMa
- Inventario
- Oase
- C3 Magazine
- Hato Zines
- Accattone
- Daido Moriyama Record
- F.R. David
- Sofa Magazine
- Log
- MonU
- Girls Like Us
- Handvaerk
- Dirty Furniture
- Useful Photography
- Fieldnotes
- Harvard Design Magazine
- JA (Japan Architect)
- Multimedia
'MacGuffin' is a biannual design & crafts magazine featuring stories about the life of ordinary things. Each edition of the magazine takes an object and explores the manifold stories it generates and uncovers the personal and sometimes curious relationships we have with the stuff that surrounds us.