- New
- Forthcoming
- Art
- Architecture & Landscape
- Photography
- Fashion & Textiles
- Graphic Design & Typography
- Furniture & Product Design
- Performing Arts
- Popular Culture
- Decorative Arts & Craft
- Gift
- Essays & Literature
- El Croquis
- MacGuffin
- a+t
- AV Monographs
- AV Proyectos
- Arquitectura Viva
- A Magazine
- Graphic
- Slanted
- Purple Fashion
- Self Service
- A+U Magazine
- A.Mag
- Archives
- See All This
- Volume
- GA Houses
- Flaneur
- GA Document
- Residential Masterpieces
- Faire
- Back Cover
- Back Office
- Archivio
- Tools Magazine
- Science of the Secondary
New Era Magazine
- DOMa
- Inventario
- Oase
- C3 Magazine
- Hato Zines
- Accattone
- Daido Moriyama Record
- F.R. David
- Sofa Magazine
- Log
- MonU
- Girls Like Us
- Handvaerk
- Dirty Furniture
- Useful Photography
- Fieldnotes
- Harvard Design Magazine
- JA (Japan Architect)
- Multimedia

The New Era Magazine
The New Era Magazine a quarterly publication focusing on Scandinavian interiors, design, art and craft. It features architects, interior designers, urban farmers, artists and craftspeople who contribute to our visual and material culture. It invites readers to the most inspiring homes and spaces in the Nordics, while at the same time discussing topics relating to our homes and how we live in this moment of time.